In today's digital landscape, the role of a content writer is more critical than ever. The right writer can be the difference between content that captures your target audience and content that's just words on a page. And ultimately, that's the difference between success and failure for your marketing strategy.


But what does it mean to find the right content writer? Why can't you just hire a talented wordsmith? And if you're a writer, what skills should you hone?


Here are five essential skills to look for when hiring a great content writer.

1. The Writer-Strategist Flex

A great content writer is a both scribe and a strategist who understands how each piece of content fits into your overall marketing plan. This writer isn’t afraid to share ideas and ask questions, ensuring that every article, blog post, or social media post aligns with your broader objectives. This strategic mindset allows the content marketer to contribute meaningfully to your marketing goals.

2. Industry Expertise and Empathy

Specialization is key. A writer with industry expertise can dive deep into complex topics, providing insights that generalists might miss. But expertise alone isn’t enough; empathy is crucial. A great content writer possesses a deep understanding of your target audience, allowing them to create authentic and relatable content that resonates with readers on a personal level.

3. Data-Driven Creativity

Creativity and data might seem at odds, but the best content writers harness both. They use SEO keyword research, content performance metrics, and proprietary data to inform their content ideas. This data-driven approach ensures that the content they produce is not only engaging but also optimized for search engines and tailored to audience preferences.

4. Relationship Building

Content writers often need to interview subject matter experts (SMEs) to extract the best stories and insights. Skilled writers excel at building relationships and creating rapport with SMEs. Their ability to conduct insightful interviews results in rich, detailed content that adds value and credibility to your brand.

5. Robot-Friendly

In the age of artificial intelligence, savvy content writers are mastering AI tools like ChatGPT. They use these tools as virtual editorial assistants to enhance their writing process. This skill not only boosts their productivity but also ensures that they stay ahead in a rapidly evolving marketing ecosystem.


By prioritizing these five skills—strategic thinking, industry expertise with empathy, data-driven creativity, relationship building, and AI proficiency—you can find (or be!) a content writer who will elevate your brand and drive marketing results.